Download press photographs
Photo: MCH
Here you can find photos of Herning and Ikast-Brande.
On this page, you can find photos of Herning and its surrounding areas. The photos are the property of VisitHerning and can be downloaded for free for editorial broadcasting. Remember to mark the photos with: “Photo: The photographer’s name (if it appears)”.
A guide for photo-crediting and photo-explanation can also be found in our large Dropbox folder, please find the link below.
These photos cannot be used for commercial purposes.
Find more photos in a higher resolution, here.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Online Manager
Jannie Nyegaard
Email: jn@visitherning.com

Sports gala in Jyske Bank Boxen. Photo: MCH
Photo: MCH

Women’s World Handball Championship at Jyske Bank Boxen. Photo: MCH
Photo: MCH

Challenge Denmark. Photo: James Mitchell
Photo: James Mitchell
HEART Herning Museum of Contemporary Art. Photo: Iwan Baan
Photo: Iwan Baan

Løvbakke Deer Park. Photo: VisitHerning
Photo: VisitHerning