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Photo: Nicolas Jægergaard

Solskin er isvejr. Og findes der noget bedre end at få en iskold ispind, når man har fået sved på panden efter sjove aktiviteter? Når vejret er godt og der skal ske lidt mere end at svømme og bade, så kan I besøge områdets sjove og spændende børneattraktioner.

Jyllands Park Zoo
Photo: Jyllands Park Zoo

Jyllands Park Zoo

Probably visit Denmark's friendliest Zoo, and get really close to exciting animals. Jyllands Park Zoo is close to Herning, and you are guaranteed a fantastic day full of good experiences for the whole...

Baboon City
Photo: VisitHerning

Baboon City

Take the whole family for a fun day at Baboon City, Denmark’s biggest all-year amusement park. 

Klosterlund Museum
Photo: Maja Theodoraki

Klosterlund Museum

Beautiful surroundings, large machines and archeological finds - Klosterlund Museum has it all. Experience the museum's archaeological highlights. Or learn how man over the years has used both hand po...
