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Fuglsang Lake

Fuglsang Lake is 800 meters long, 450 meters wide, and 6 meters deep at its deepest point. The area is an ideal spot for long walks, swimming, fishing, and water sports such as rowing.

"Catch and release only" at Fuglsang Lake.
When fishing at Fuglsang Lake, you MUST release ALL caught fish immediately after capture.

See the fishing regulations for Fuglsang Lake: Fishing in Herning Municipality

Herning Municipality owns the land on the western side of Fuglsang Lake. The fishing stretch is marked with arrows in the terrain. Recreational fishing with a rod is free along this stretch, but you must be aware of and comply with Danish fishing regulations, including the requirement to purchase a state fishing license.

General closed seasons and minimum size limits must be observed for all fish species.