Public parking in the centre of Herning, Ikast and Brande is free. There is short-term as well as long-term parking available.
Remember to always follow parking instructions as stated on the signs by the city’s parking spaces. They will state how long you are allowed to park, and it is your responsibility to comply with this. Set your parking disc once the car is parked. If you do not have a parking disc, they can be purchased at most petrol stations.
Parking in Herning
Herning City and herningCentret have many public parking spaces. All of them are free, but some have time restrictions.
Available parking spaces in Herning City
Parking in Ikast
There are 556 parking spaces with time restrictions and 267 parking spaces without time restrictions in Ikast.
Parking in Ikast
In Brande, it is never far to the next parking space. Along Storegade, there are parking booths for 30-minute short-term parking.